BIS Sounds Alarm Over Record Sales of Payment-in-Kind Junk Bonds – Bloomberg 12-08-13

Salient to Investors: International regulators are concerned that record sales of high-yield payment-in-kind bonds will cause losses for investors when central banks tighten monetary policy. PIK bond sales more than doubled in 2013 from 2012. BIS said 30 percent of issuers before the 2008 financial crisis have since defaulted. BIS


Taper Defied With Bond Spreads Least Since ’07: Credit Markets – Bloomberg 12-06-13

Salient to Investors: Bank of America Merrill Lynch index data show the extra yield investors demand to own corporates instead of similar-maturity Treasuries has narrowed 31 basis points this year to 200 basis points, the lowest since October 2007. ICI data shows fund managers favoring corporate debt over government-backed securities


Gold Bearish Outlook Extended as Price Nears $1,200: Commodities – Bloomberg 12-06-13

Salient to Investors: Investors cut holdings in gold ETPs every month this year, erasing $69.4 billion. Hedge funds et al are the least-bullish since June 2007. John Paulson told clients last month that he personally would not invest more money in his gold fund. Goldman Sachs forecast prices will drop