Commodities Tumble on Speculation Hedge Fund Selling Positions – Bloomberg 02-20-13

Salient to Investors: Dave Lutz at Stifel Nicolaus said a mini perfect storm hit commodities today: rumors of a fund blowing up, gold below $1,600, and oil storage tanks in Cushing at near all-time records. Read the full article at Free email alerts of articles as soon as they are posted.


20 Signs The U.S. Economy Is Heading For Big Trouble In The Months Ahead – Seeking Alpha 02-20-13

Salient to Investors: Michael T. Snyder writes: The US economy is slowing down – freight volumes and expenditures are way down, consumer confidence is down sharply, major retail chains are closing hundreds of stores, the sequester threatens to bring austerity. gas prices are rising rapidly, corporate insiders are dumping massive


Jim Rogers: Markets In For a Wake Up Call – Fox Business 02-05-13

Salient to Investors: Jim Rogers says: Central bank printing unlimited amounts of money is spreading even to Japan and Germany and Europe and has never been good for anyone. Printing money is artificial and ends eventually. Germany will have a lot of good news ahead so that Merkel can win