Mobius Says Emerging Stocks to Rise as Fed Spurs Hunt for Return – Bloomberg 12-12-12

Salient to Investors: Mark Mobius at Templeton Emerging Markets said: Developing-nation equities will climb in 2013 on low debt levels, high foreign exchange reserves, economic growth that may average 5 percent in 2013, central banks adding money to the financial system. Low interest rates make equities very attractive. sending institutions et al on an incredible hunt for returns, including frontier


Bond Investor Gundlach Buys Stocks, Sees ‘Kaboom’ Ahead – Bloomberg 11-29-12

Salient to Investors: Jeffrey Gundlach at DoubleLine Capital says: The first phase of the coming debacle was the 27-year buildup of corporate, personal and sovereign debt to 2008. The third phase will be deeply indebted countries and companies defaulting sometime after 2013. Buy gemstones, art and commercial real estate and other hard assets. Chinese


Emerging Stocks Rise as Volatility Hits 2004 Low on China – Bloomberg 11-22-12

Salient to Investors: Christopher Palmer at Henderson Global Investors said for most investors China remains the main show. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index has risen 7.6 percent in 2012 versus a 9.1 percent gain in the MSCI World Index, and trades at 11.4 times estimated earnings versus 13.3 respectively. Read the full article at


Emerging Markets Lead Scots Fund to Mix Real Estate With Chicken – Bloomberg 11-07-12

Salient to Investors: Ross Teverson at Standard Life Investments said we are in a good place for emerging markets – short-term emerging market equities will be dependent on developed markets, but the structural outlook is very compelling. Teverson said he doesn’t need to own a Chinese bank or a Brazilian bank just


Emerging Markets Undervalued, Goldman Sachs Says – Bloomberg 10-31-12

Salient to Investors: Anna Stupnytska at Goldman Sachs Asset Mgmt said: The growth market and the emerging market should be the main focus. Emerging markets are undervalued because investors are focused too much on the developed world. Investors are undervaluing the BRIC story which is still valid long-term. grow center The rise of the


JPMorgan Sees Emerging-Market Debt in ‘Sweet Spot’ as QE3 Starts – Bloomberg 09-27-12

Salient to Investors: Joyce Chang at JPMorgan Chase said QE3 puts emerging-market corporate and sovereign debt in a sweet spot by reducing bond supply and prompting investors to seek higher-yielding debt – modest borrowing by emerging-market governments and companies has avoided a supply glut. Chang favors commodity-related currencies including the Russian ruble, Mexican peso and


Why Equities Will Continue To Trend Higher – Seeking Alpha 09-26-12

Salient to Investors: Equity markets will trend higher even if economic activity continues slow for a prolonged period. Any market correction over 10% is a buying opportunity. Asset markets are critical in the current environment and markets will not crash or collapse for the foreseeable future. The banking system has been flooded with enough