Endowment Returns Fail to Keep Pace with College Spending – Bloomberg 01-31-13

Salient to Investors: Commonfund and the NACUBO said US university endowments lost on average 0.3 percent in the year ended June 30 after gaining 19.2 percent a year earlier. Over a third of the schools reported receiving less in donations than a year earlier. Harvard’s endowment fell 4.1 percent, Yale’s less than 1


New Population Projections Show Much Slower Growth – NewStrategist 12/18/12

Salient to Investors: The Census Bureau’s new projections show: The US population of just 399.8 million in 2050 versus 439.0 million projected in 2008. 90 percent of the US population in 1950 was white, versus 64 percent in 2010. (Beginning in 1980, whites are non-Hispanic white) Non-Hispanic whites will peak


For-Profits Losing to Better-Rated, Cheaper State Schools – Bloomberg 11-19-12

Salient to Investors: Competition from state universities’ expanding online programs is pummeling for-profit colleges, once among the fastest-growing U.S. industries. The for-profit companies are closing campuses as enrollment and stock prices plunge. Deutsche Bank said it’s a potent threat because publicly traded for-profit colleges drew 59 percent of their enrollment


Hispanic Workers Lack Education as Numbers Grow in U.S. – Bloomberg 11-13-12

Salient to Investors: Hispanics are the fastest growing component of America’s workforce, yet over 80 percent of Latinos ages 25 and older don’t have a bachelor’s degree, and the unemployment rate for Hispanics was 10 percent in October versus 7.9 percent nationally. The  National Center for Education Statistics says 14 percent of Hispanics ages