Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 09-07-14

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: Islamic terror is not the isolated behavior of a handful of nihilists but a broader culture that has been complicit in it or at least unwilling to combat it. Zawahiri’s effort to recruit Indian Muslims will fail. The Arab world produces fanaticism and jihad


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 06-02-13

Fareed Zakaria said: The great American housing market is back as the Case-Shiller housing index showed its largest annual increase in prices in seven years, showing its core character: flexibility and resilience. The US is the only rich country whose population is growing, increasing by 3 million people every year,


Reinhart-Rogoff Rebuttal Says UMass Critics Politicized Debt – Bloomberg 04-26-13

Salient to Investors: Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff at Harvard acknowledged on April 17 that they had inadvertently left some data out of their calculations in “Growth in a Time of Debt”, but the error did not change their basic findings that countries with public debt in excess of 90 percent of GDP suffered measurably


The 1 Percent’s Solution – The New York Times 04-25-13

Salient to Investors: Paul Krugman writes: Keynesian economics is close to a TKO over austerian economics, whose predictions about the real world failed completely and supporting academic research has turned out to be riddled with flaws. The two main studies supporting austerity – Alesina/Ardagna and Reinhart/Rogoff – were criticised almost as