Gains in Permits Signal Sustained U.S. Housing Rebound – Bloomberg 03-19-13

Salient to Investors: Anika Khan at Wells Fargo Securities is optimistic about the housing recovery and sees construction picking up. Morgan Stanley expects residential construction to rise 14 percent in 2013. Jason Schenker at Prestige Economics said housing has huge upside potential for GDP and job creation and the only thing that’s going to drive the substantial improvement to


Goldman Bearish Gold Call Overrun by Inflation: Argentina Credit – Bloomberg 03-18-13

Salient to Investors: Argentines are buying more gold than ever to preserve the value of their savings as economists forecast the peso will depreciate 12.9 percent through year-end and the government bans most dollar purchases. Sebastian Porcel at Global Agro said investors see gold futures as a good option to dollarize their portfolios.