Salient to Investors: Angelo Zino at S&P Financial Services said there is no way the Suntech shareholders are going to get anything. Zino said a host of companies have gotten billions of dollars from Wall Street investors, who will ultimately get nothing. Risks to investors in solar have spread after the collapse
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Alan Blinder at Princeton said: Bernanke has done a very good job and will stay if he wants it. Has an A+ on keeping inflation low and D- on keeping unemployment low. His Lehman Bros decision was wrong and was a turning point after which everything fell apart. Fed is
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: David Leonhardt at The New York Times said: Fed will continue QE until unemployment falls to 6.5%. Democrats may want Bernanke replaced since a Republican has been Fed Chairman for over 20 years. Obama likes Bernanke and both have underestimated the length and depth of this weak economy.
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Warren Buffett said: Investors should bet on the natural juices of capitalism in the US and not focus too much on what the government’s done – opportunities abound. The US economy is recovering because of the natural juices of capitalism and not because of government – a wonderful system
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Morgan Stanley predicted increased demand in China. Rachel Zhang said major copper end-demand market indicators are all improving, while inventories remain low, so expect restocking in the next couple of months. Australia said prices on average will fall 2 percent in 2013 as stockpiles expand. Read the full article
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Alan Higgins at Coutts said Osborne is limited and has to take from one hand to give to the other, and today’s statement is a small opening of the door for more monetary stimulus, though mainly a confirmation of business as usual. Higgins said the bigger news is
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Anika Khan at Wells Fargo Securities is optimistic about the housing recovery and sees construction picking up. Morgan Stanley expects residential construction to rise 14 percent in 2013. Jason Schenker at Prestige Economics said housing has huge upside potential for GDP and job creation and the only thing that’s going to drive the substantial improvement to
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Bernard Baumohl at Economic Outlook Group said America’s shadow economy – estimated by economists to be $2 trillion – may explain why retail sales have grown at an annual rate of 3.5 percent or more since September 2010. Over 30 percent of the unemployed have been out of work for
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Argentines are buying more gold than ever to preserve the value of their savings as economists forecast the peso will depreciate 12.9 percent through year-end and the government bans most dollar purchases. Sebastian Porcel at Global Agro said investors see gold futures as a good option to dollarize their portfolios.
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Simon Johnson at MIT writes: US rates on government debt are very low, the dollar is not depreciating rapidly, and inflation seems stable – no imaginable circumstance under which the US would need to borrow from the IMF. Thomas Jefferson was obsessed with the idea that debt was bad