Can whole economies be psychoanalyzed? – World Science 06-06-12

Study shows that West­ern economies dis­played the same man­ic be­hav­ior as psy­cho­log­ic­ally dis­turbed peo­ple in the runup to the 2008 cred­it cri­sis, which could be repeated. In the two decades to 2008, Western bankers, economists and politi­cians shared a man­ic cul­ture of de­ni­al, om­nip­o­tence and tri­umphal­ism over the col­lapse of com­mun­ism, as they es­ca­lated risky


Fed Growth Forecasts Key to Easing as Job Market Stalls – Bloomberg 06-13-12

Predictions: Goldman Sachs lowered Q2 growth estimates to 1.6 percent from 1.8 percent, Morgan Stanley to 1.8 percent from 2 percent,  Credit Suisse to 2.2 percent from 2.5 percent. JP Morgan’s expects more Fed action because Bernanke is far from achieving his economic mandate. Median forecast of 70 economists expects the economy to expand at


Truckers as Leading Indicator Show Stable U.S. Economic Growth – Bloomberg 06-13-12

Rising truck shipments show economic expansion is intact. The for-hire truck-tonnage index shows 29 months of growth – the economy has never contracted without tonnage turning negative first. The FTR’s index of U.S. truck loadings increase in April from a year earlier, the highest since 2008, shows the economy is expanding. Read the


Americans See Biggest Home Equity Jump in 60 Years: Mortgages – Bloomberg 06-13-12

Salient to Investors: Home equity in the first quarter rose to the highest level since 2008 as homeowners refinance to pay down principal. Half the mortgages refinanced in the fourth quarter reduced loan size, a record.Predictions: About 23 percent of mortgage holders are underwater on their loans. Predictions: Median forecast


How Germans Botched the Spanish Bank Bailout – Bloomberg 06-12-12

German insistence that EU support be directly to Spain’s government and not its banks had two fatal consequences. Adding to Spain’s public debt and possible subordinating existing bondholders.  German taxpayers didn’t want the euro in the first place, correctly fearing it would become a transfer system for other countries’ profligacy. The choice is no longer


U.S. Stocks Gain Amid Speculation of More Fed Stimulus – Bloomberg 06-12-12

Salient to Investors: Bank of America  survey said optimism among global asset allocators has fallen back to the lows of autumn 2011:, equity holdings have been reduced to underweight for the first time in seven months, cash raised to the highest level since 2008 and third-highest level on record. Predictions: RBC Capital


Angry Bagmaker Shows China Slowdown Worst in Wenzhou – Bloomberg 06-12-12

Decline of shadow banking together with government moves to rein in a national property bubble are crippling small business. Seven out of 10 businesses in the Wenzhou rely on exports, in labor-intensive industries, leaving it vulnerable to Europe’s crisis. Property in Wenzhou remains out of reach for thousands even after home prices slumped 12.3


Bond Bubble Dismissed as Low Yields Echo Pimco’s New Normal – Bloomberg 06-11-12

Salient to Investors: Moody’s John Lonski says G-7 bond rates indicate the markets don’t expect economic growth to exceed 3 percent. Blackrock’s Jeffrey Rosenberg says the greed that produces bubbles is absent. Pimco’s Bill Gross says global bond markets are turning ‘Japanese’. UBS’ George Magnus says we are replicating the Japanese experience. Bianco Research’s James