Beware Rally in Europe’s Cheapest Stocks, Argonaut Says – Bloomberg 01-15-13

Salient to Investors: Barry Norris at Argonaut Capital Partners said: Buy European stocks with the highest potential for earnings growth over those with the cheapest valuations. The big liquidity rush that has made everyone enthusiastic won’t last the year – equities will rally because they are the least-worst option among asset classes. ECB


Oil Industry Beats Buffett in Railroad Investments Surge: Energy – Bloomberg 01-14-13

Salient to Investors: North American energy companies are investing more in railroad terminals than the railroads themselves because swelling output has overwhelmed pipelines.  Domestic crude at least 20 percent cheaper than imports. Rail is more expensive than pipelines but reaches into metropolitan areas like Los Angeles and Philadelphia, where new pipes are


CNN Newsroom – 01-14-13

Ben Stein says: The US is borrowing 40 cents for every dollar it spends, a terrible situation. The government has been living beyond its means for years, is spending too much money and heading for default – a real doomsday scenario. The US will have a $20 trillion deficit within 36


Australians Priced Out of Dream Swap Backyards for Balconies – Bloomberg 01-14-13

Salient to Investors: Sydney is the most unaffordable housing market in the English-speaking world. Demographia report Australian homes cost 6.7 times the gross annual median household income in Q3 2011 versus 3.1 times in the US and 5 times in the UK. Apartment ownership is rising as more are being buyers priced out of the


Hedge-Fund Leverage Rises to Most Since 2004 in New Year – Bloomberg 01-14-13

Salient to Investors: Morgan Stanley said leverage among equity managers climbed to the highest level to start any year since at least 2004. Margin debt at NYSE firms rose in November to the highest since February 2008. James Dunigan at PNC Wealth Mgmt said leverage is increasing among hedge-funds. Gross leverage at hedge


Hedge Funds Cut Bets to Six-Month Low Before Rally: Commodities – Bloomberg 01-14-13

Salient to Investors: Hedge funds et al trimmed net-long positions to the lowest since June 19, and gold holdings fell to the lowest since August. The S&P GSCI index of 24 raw materials has climbed for 5 consecutive weeks. Quincy Krosby at Prudential Financial said data out of China and the US shows we are


China’s One-Child Policy Yields Adults Fearing Risk – Bloomberg 01-11-13

Salient to Investors: Australian study finds China’s one-child policy has produced adults that with personality traits unsuited for starting businesses or managing companies. Those born after the 1979 one-child policy were more pessimistic, nervous, less conscientious, less competitive, more risk averse, and 23 percent less prone to choose an occupation with