Boomer Wealth Dented by Mortgages Poses U.S. Risk – Bloomberg 08-28-14

Salient to Investors: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reports the share of Americans 65 and older with mortgage debt rose to 30% in 2011 with a median debt adjusted for inflation of $79,000,  from 22% in 2001 with a median debt of $43,400. The increase in mortgage debt makes these households more susceptible


Hatzius Sees Little Pent-Up U.S. Wage Deflation Yellen Cited – Bloomberg 08-27-14

Salient to Investors: Jan Hatzius at Goldman Sachs said: There is little evidence of the “pent-up wage deflation” that Yellen cites as a possible reason behind the slow increase in earnings and says the opposite was true, with the areas having below-average wage growth during the recession now showing above-average