Wall Street Job Seekers Find No Bottom for Analysts: Muni Credit – Bloomberg 02-07-13

Salient to Investors: The dwindling role of bond insurance and yields at four-decade lows is fueling demand for muni analysts. Paul Sorbera at Alliance Consulting said the demand has significantly raised salaries. Jeff Burger at Standish Mellon Asset Mgmt said basis points matter in a low-yield environment. Investors have become more confident buying uninsured or lower-rated debt.


Stein Sees Signs of Excessive Risk Taking in Some Markets – Bloomberg 02-07-13

Salient to Investors: Federal Reserve Governor Jeremy Stein says: Significant reaching-for-yield behavior in corporate credits are early signs of potentially excessive risk-taking, while not posing a threat to financial stability. A decline in the quality of debt through greater subordination or less use of protective covenants also signal reaching for yield. It


Where Is Your Fund Manager From? – Bloomberg 02-07-13

Salient to Investors: Research finds that, among US-based fund managers, a Brazilian-born manager who speaks fluent Portuguese and is familiar with the country’s business culture had better results when investing in Brazilian companies than a German-born manager. Quoc Nguyen at University of Illinois found: US funds that overweight stocks from the local ethnic


World Risks ‘Perfect Storm’ on Capital Flows, Carstens Says – Bloomberg 02-05-13

Salient to Investors: Banco de Mexico Governor Agustin Carstens said: A perfect storm may be forming as risk appetite has returned and the search for yield is in full force: concerns of asset-price bubbles fed by credit booms are starting to appear. Japan is actively pursuing a depreciating real exchange