Junk Bond Froth Leaks Into Emerging Market Debt: Credit Markets – Bloomberg 02-19-13

Salient to Investors: Junk bonds of companies in emerging markets are the most expensive in 7 years relative to the US, raising concerns the threat of asset bubbles is increasing. Emerging market businesses have been adding debt even as profit growth slows and borrowing costs stop tumbling. JPMorgan said funds investing in


Volatility Falls Most Since 1930s as Stock Funds Gain – Bloomberg 02-19-13

Salient to Investors: Average daily price moves for the S&P 500 have seen the steepest decline since the 1930s – the last time the annual average was this low was 1995, when the S&P 500 rose 34 percent and doubled in the next four years. Going back to 1928 shows stocks gain


Goldman Upbeat as Casino Bonds Withstand Crackdown: China Credit – Bloomberg 02-18-13

Salient to Investors: Salman Niaz at Goldman Sachs Asset Mgmt said: Macau casino bonds will withstand any crackdown aimed at cleaning up the industry. Previous cooling and policy measures have generally been positive to the long-term health of the market, and the high free-cash flow generated by operators and limited leverage