Salient to Investors:

Grace Tam at JPMorgan Asset Mgmt said the big picture is much better than last year, and its positive for equities in the medium term because of easy global monetary policies.

The MSCI Asia Pacific Index is at 14.9 times estimated earnings versus 13.8 for the S&P 500 and 12.5 for the Stoxx Europe 600 Index.

The ZEW Center for European Economic Research said German investor confidence jumped more than economists forecast in February to the highest level in almost 3 years.

Donald Williams at Platypus Asset Mgmt said we will continue to rally until markets find something that spooks them – there’s nothing negative and Europe is stabilizing.

51 percent of the 342 MSCI Asia Pacific Index companies so far reporting have  exceeded expectations versus 71 percent of S&P 500 companies.

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