Soros Joins Gold-Stake Cuts Before Bear Market Drop – Bloomberg 05-16-13

Salient to Investors: George Soros cut holdings of gold ETPs in Q1, 2013. John Paulson maintained a stake and Schroder Investment Mgmt bought in Q1. Deutsche Bank said assets in SPDR will probably drop by an additional 2 million to 4 million ounces after slumping 9.7 million ounces since mid-December. Jeffrey Currie et al at Goldman Sachs


Tracking Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio – Q1 2013 Update – Seeking Alpha 05-16-13

Salient to Investors: John Vincent writes: Buffett continues to hold a very concentrated portfolio with the largest 5 positions accounting for 72.86% of the portfolio. Read the full article at Click here to receive free and immediate email alerts of the latest forecasts.


2 Investing Concepts Everyone Should Know – Wise Bread 05-16-13

Salient to Investors: The two key steps toward becoming a knowledgeable, successful investor: Make use of the power of compound interest by investing as early as possible. Base your investment decisions on an intentional asset allocation plan that’s tailored to your age and risk tolerance. Read the full article at