Salient to Investors: Nobel Laureate Edmund Phelps warned against the dangers of EU membership saying we are still learning about the European experiment and to what extent it is going to succeed or fail. Phelps cited huge blanks and huge gaps in the euro area – each country is subject
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Iceland is 15th in the world in legal gun ownership – 90,000 in a country with just over 300,000 people – yet violent crime is virtually non-existent, with a homicide rate between 1999-2009 never above 1.8 per 100,000 in any year versus between 5.0 and 5.8 in the US,
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: The OECD said: The gap between rich and poor widened more in the 3 years to 2010 than in the previous 12 years. The richest 10% of society in the 33 OECD countries received 9.5 times that of the poorest in terms of income, versus 9 times in 2007.