Green California to Vie With Texas as U.S. Oil Heartland: Energy – Bloomberg 12-19-12

Salient to Investors: California has a good chance of emerging as the nation’s top oil producer in the next decade. The EIA says the Monterey shale formation could hold 15.4 billion barrels of oil, or 64 percent of all estimated US shale oil reserves. Fracking has found trillions of cubic feet of gas and billions


U.S. to Be World’s Top Oil Producer in 5 Years, Report Says = New York Times 11-12-12

Salient to Investors: The IEA said: The US will overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s leading oil producer by about 2017 and will become a net oil exporter by 2030, and become all but self-sufficient in meeting its energy needs in about two decades. Global energy demand will grow between 35 and 46


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 10-28-12

Salient to Investors: IMF growth projections have been revised downward almost everywhere, especially in Europe and the big emerging markets like China. The IMF projects the US to the strongest of the rich economies over the next four years – 3 percent versus 1.2 percent in Germany and France and 2.3 percent in Canada. The