The Warren Buffett Economy – Why Its Days Are Numbered (Part 4) – David Stockman’s Contra Corner 06-15-15

Salient to Investors: David Stockman writes: The Fed has generated a $50 trillion financial bubble and made money and capital markets to little more than gambling casinos. Speculative rent-seeking in the financial market has replaced entrepreneurial innovation and supply side investment and productivity, resulting in a severe drop in real growth and a


The Warren Buffett Economy – Why Its Days Are Numbered (Part 3) – David Stockman’s Contra Corner 06-11-15

Salient to Investors: David Stockman writes: The ratio of finance to GDP has risen to 540% vs. the historic norm of 200%. Central bank driven bubble finance since the late 1980s has resulted in the GDP deflator-adjusted value of corporate equities and credit market debt outstanding rising 8 times, while real median household


Americans With Best Credit in Decades Drive U.S. Economy – Bloomberg 08-05-13

Salient to Investors: Joseph Carson at AllianceBernstein said: Household finances are in the best shape in decades, and the US is entering a new, stronger growth phase as healthier finances revive borrowing, spur consumer spending, generate business investment and jobs. Household wealth measured by net worth rose to $70.3 trillion in Q1,


Stock Inflows Beat Bonds First Time in 10 Weeks, Citigroup Says – Bloomberg 11-29-12

Salient to Investors: Markus Rosgen and Yue Hin Pong at Citigroup said EPFR Global reported stock funds this week had their second-largest weekly inflows in 2012 and more than the inflows into bond funds, while US funds reversed an outflow trend and Asia attracted the second-largest inflows this year. Pong said most economic data have positively