Contrarian Manager Wins by Buying Newspapers, Avoiding China – Bloomberg 09-13-12

Salient to Investors: Contrarian fund manager Bill Smead is: Bullish on the U.S. but bearish on companies exposed to China. Looks for strong balance sheets, industries with high barriers to entry, long histories of profits and dividends, p/e ratios below their 10-year average, strong insider ownership, and shareholder friendliness with regard to


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 08-05-12

Salient to Investors: Fareed Zakaria said: Max Weber singled out China and Japan as cultures particularly prone to poverty and stagnation, but were the world’s fastest-growing two large economies over the past five decades.  Another powerhouse, India, was once seen as having a culture totally incompatible with economic success. China was stagnant for centuries. What changed was their


U.S. Weather Promises Energy Boost as Temperatures Rise – Bloomberg 06-28-12

Salient to Investors: Heat wave that set or tied 196 daily temperature records yesterday moves east, promising to raise energy demand. MDA EarthSat Weather expects July to be one of the five warmest since 1950 in the large cities that use the most energy. Read the full article at


Oil Stocks Biggest Losers With Valuations Lowest Since 2009 – Bloomberg 06-25-12

Salient to Investors: The MSCI World Energy Index is down 9.6 percent in 2012, more than any other group, and is up 45 percent since the market bottom in 2009, less than any other industry with earnings tied to economic growth. U.S. energy stocks are at the cheapest levels relative to the


U.S. Stocks Fall Amid Concern Europe’s Crisis Will Worsen – Bloomberg 06-25-12

Salient to Investors: George Soros called on Europe to buy Italian and Spanish bonds, warning a failure by leaders meeting on June 28 to produce drastic measures could spell the end of the euro.  Wayne Lin at Legg Mason says the EU summit won’t produce anything extraordinary, that Soros’ views are extreme, and  expects more volatility.