Nobel laureate: Everyone should have a financial adviser – InvestmentNews 12-05-13

Salient to Investors: Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller said: People make better decisions with financial advisers. A lack of good financial advice was one of the problems that led to the financial crisis. Many Americans went into unsupportable debt to buy homes, which a good financial adviser would not have let


Shiller Warns of Housing Bubble After 225% Surge: Brazil Credit – Bloomberg 09-05-13

Salient to Investors: Robert Shiller said a housing bubble is emerging in Brazil as home prices have risen as much as twice the increase in rent prices, and housing bubbles are brewing in emerging markets including China, Taiwan, India, Russia, Colombia, Canada and Hong Kong. Shiller said Brazil prices doubling


Housing-Market Recovery in U.S. Not ‘Resounding,’ Shiller Says – Bloomberg 11-06-12

Salient to Investors: Robert Shiller at Yale said the housing recovery is fragile and should be spurred by reducing the role of government in the mortgage-finance system. The economy needs further fiscal stimulus to create jobs, with increases in spending offset by higher taxes on the wealthy to avoid enlarging the national debt. Read the full article


Dueling Prisms for Valuing Stocks – New York Times 10-13-12

Salient to Investors: The cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio – CAPE – correctly signaled frothy markets in 1929, 1999 and 2008. CAPE looks at 10 years of averaged profits so is considered a more conservative gauge. S&P 500 has a trailing P/E of around 15, which makes the market attractive based on historical levels, and