Harris Tweed’s Sterling Concern Dismissed by Traders – Bloomberg 08-27-14

Salient to Investors: Currency trading suggests traders are dismissing the prospect of an upset “yes” in the September 18 referendum on  Scottish independence. Strategists say the pound’s peaks and troughs in 2014 reflect the prospect of the BOE becoming one of the first major central banks to raise rates. Geoffrey Yu


Rogoff Saying This Time Different Calls for Reflation Bloomberg 08-12-13

Salient to Investors: Kenneth Rogoff at Harvard said: Janet Yellen and Lawrence Summers qualify to replace Bernanke because of their dovishness about placing too much weight on stable inflation when unemployment is far above its longer-run level. Aggressive monetary stimulus is needed, even at the cost of moderate price increases, because with weak


Euro-Area Unemployment Rate Rises to Record: Economy – Bloomberg 10-31-12

Salient to Investors: Unemployment in the 17-nation euro region rose to 11.6 percent from 11.5 percent in August, the highest since data started in 1995. Youth unemployment is at 23.3 percent. Christoph Weil at Commerzbank is now more pessimistic, saying the euro-area economy will only return to growth in Q2 2013 and the jobless rate will increase


Euro Strength Seen by Stiglitz Removing Greek Debt – Bloomberg 06-11-12

Salient to Investors: Greece accounts for just 2.3 percent of EU GDP, and 4.3 percent of EU debt. Without Greece , the EU would have had a trade surplus in 2011. Germany has posted a trade surplus every month since May 1991 and has avoided recession since 2009. OECD says the euro is undervalued