Banks Use Punishment to Ditch Troubled Loans: Mortgages – Bloomberg 02-21-13

Salient to Investors: Banks that agreed to help troubled borrowers as part of a settlement with regulators over foreclosure misdeeds are spending most of the promised aid on short sales and forgiveness of home-equity loans that allow them to take bad loans off their books. Arthur Wilmarth at George Washington University said banks


European Stocks Decline Most in Two Weeks on Fed, Economy – Bloomberg 02-21-13

Salient to Investors: Mark Andersen at UBS said the FOMC minutes may have started an adjustment process for the markets, with realism setting in with investors. Anderson said you can’t have both stronger growth and ever-expanding balance sheets at central banks, so their members are starting to consider the longer-term


20 Signs The U.S. Economy Is Heading For Big Trouble In The Months Ahead – Seeking Alpha 02-20-13

Salient to Investors: Michael T. Snyder writes: The US economy is slowing down – freight volumes and expenditures are way down, consumer confidence is down sharply, major retail chains are closing hundreds of stores, the sequester threatens to bring austerity. gas prices are rising rapidly, corporate insiders are dumping massive