Geithner-Draghi No Show Risk Turning Mexican G-20 Into Flop – Bloomberg 10-31-12

Salient to Investors: Athanasios Vamvakidis at Bank of America said that despite many risks to the global economy, the G-20 has weakened substantially, which makes all countries worse off. Daniel Price at Rock Creek Global Advisors said the G-20 absences say more about the exigencies of domestic economic issues than it does about the future of


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 10-28-12

Salient to Investors: IMF growth projections have been revised downward almost everywhere, especially in Europe and the big emerging markets like China. The IMF projects the US to the strongest of the rich economies over the next four years – 3 percent versus 1.2 percent in Germany and France and 2.3 percent in Canada. The


What If Recovery Is Actually Bearish? – Seeking Alpha 10-25-12

Salient to Investors: Mercenary Trader writes: The routine intervention of the Central Banks, the Greenspan Put transitioning to the Bernanke Put, have underscored the “bad news is good news” phenomenon. Good news is good news because things are getting better. Mediocre news is good news because it means CBs keep rates near


Nassim Taleb’s New Book Explains Why Governments Always Miss Their Own Budget Targets – Business Insider 10-19-12

Salient to Investors: Nassim Taleb says there’s a simple mathematical basis for why governments continually miss their deficit targets. The problem is that the economic data forecasts the government uses are taken as a given and not looked at as mere probable likelihoods. The government tends to underestimate the damage when things get worse


Matt Taibbi and Chrystia Freeland on the One Percent’s Power and Privileges – 10-19-12

Salient to Investors: New York City’s economic inequality rivals that of a third-world country – in 2011, the median annual income for the bottom 20% was less than $9,000, the top one percent was $2.2 million. Income inequality is the highest since the Great Depression – the top 1% took 93 percent of the income earned