Top Investor Myths – E*Trade

Salient to Investors: Top investing myths: Buy and hold forever. Better to buy and protect as companies and economies change. Have an exit plan to guard against catastrophic loss. Only performance matters. Let you investment objectives guide your investment selection and diversity. Charts are for traders. Charts are important tools


Fed’s Liquidity Injections Are Not Creating Credit For The Real Economy – Dr Nouriel Roubini Blog 07-23-13

Salient to Investors: Nouriel Roubini writes: QE is not creating credit for the real economy, but instead boosting leverage and risk-taking in financial markets. The issuance of risky junk bonds is increasing and the stock market is at new highs, despite the growth slowdown. Money is flowing to high-yielding emerging markets.


Job Seekers’ Optimism Seen Prolonging Low Fed Rates: Economy – Bloomberg 07-23-13

Salient to Investors: A strengthening economy that cause more Americans to seek work would paradoxically make it harder to lower the unemployment rate to the Fed’s target level. The BLS estimates there are 2.6 million interested in working who remained outside of the labor force because of discouragement, illness, or school. Joel Prakken at Macroeconomic


61 Tons of Silver: Scenes of 3-Mile Treasure Haul – Bloomberg 07-23-13

Salient to Investors: Value of sliver found is $36 million versus the cost of exploration and salvage of $21 million at a depth 3 miles, versus 2.5 miles for Titanic. There are 3 million estimated wrecks in the ocean. Watch the video at Click here to receive free and immediate