Salient to Investors:

Henry Paulson at the Paulson Institute said:

  • Phasing out QE will cause market volatility and pain because there is never a neat, elegant solution that is totally painless or without a cost to a big, ugly problem – some market participants are addicted to these abnormally low interest rates.
  • The US economy needs to grow faster than 2 percent and we need to deal with the deficit, and te only way you’re going to do that is bipartisan compromise.
  • China is willing to tolerate slower growth while it fixes its financial system, and the Chinese is now so big and complex that it is difficult to manage with this combination of administrative means and market means.
  • China’s leaders are committed to moving more toward markets and less toward top-down planning.
  • The credibility of Chinese economic statistics has always been an issue, and the government is doing everything they can to get more accurate numbers.

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