Academics Need a Visit to the Real World – Bloomberg 08-26-13

Salient to Investors: Caroline Baum writes: Arvind Krishnamurthy at Northwestern and Annette Vissing-Jorgensen at Berkeley found that Treasury purchases themselves have had limited beneficial spillovers to private borrowers, i.e. the Treasury was able to borrow at lower interest rates but not the rest of us. The researchers found that the


Treasuries Not Safe Enough as Foreign Buying Slowest Since 2006 – Bloomberg 07-21-13

Salient to Investors: Foreign investors are adding Treasuries at the slowest pace since 2006 amid the worst rout in 4 years, and own less than 50 percent of Treasuries outstanding for the first time since March 2012. However, China boosted its stake in 2013 to the most on record – adding US bonds in 7


S&P 500 in Cheapest Bull Market Since Reagan 26% Below Peak – Bloomberg 11-19-12

Salient to Investors: The S&P 500’s P/E ratio is below the ending level of 8 of the 9 bull markets since 1962, below the average of any bull market since Reagan, and up 35 percent since March 2009 versus an average 55 percent in bull markets since 1962. 245 of 500 S&P 500 companies have


Bond Bubble Dismissed as Low Yields Echo Pimco’s New Normal – Bloomberg 06-11-12

Salient to Investors: Moody’s John Lonski says G-7 bond rates indicate the markets don’t expect economic growth to exceed 3 percent. Blackrock’s Jeffrey Rosenberg says the greed that produces bubbles is absent. Pimco’s Bill Gross says global bond markets are turning ‘Japanese’. UBS’ George Magnus says we are replicating the Japanese experience. Bianco Research’s James