Breaking Up Big Banks Hard to Do as Market Forces Fail – Bloomberg 06-27-12

Salient to Investors: Michael Price at MFP Investors said five of the six biggest U.S. banks are selling at or below tangible book value, meaning the pieces are worth more than the whole, including some wonderful assets. Bank of America has traded below book value since 2009, Citigroup since 2010. Ken Fisher at Fisher Investments, underweight bank stocks


U.S. Stock Futures Rise Amid Speculation on Stimulus Bloomberg 06-15-12

Predictions: David Bianco of Deutsche Bank no longer expects a near term rally of 5 percent or more because of uncertainty about the Greek election, but maintained his year-end prediction of 1,475 on the S&P 500. David Trone of JMP Securities expects some of the largest financial institutions to underperform due to concern that Europe will experience significant damage. Michael Hartnett of Bank of