Salient to Investors: William Pesek writes: Japan has taught us that slashing interest rates to zero and beyond is much easier than returning them to normalcy. In Japan, credit spreads mean little, the underlying assets on which they are based are drugged up on monetary stimulants, bank balance sheets get muddied, it
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Gold at the lowest price in 2 years on April 16, is triggering a frenzy among coin and jewelry buyers from the US to India, China and Australia. Mark Pervan at Australia & NZ Banking said gold may rise to $1,550 within 6 months on physical and investment demand. The Akshaya
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Paul Krugman writes: Keynesian economics is close to a TKO over austerian economics, whose predictions about the real world failed completely and supporting academic research has turned out to be riddled with flaws. The two main studies supporting austerity – Alesina/Ardagna and Reinhart/Rogoff – were criticised almost as
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: In France, joblessness at a 15-year high, property prices near record highs and new taxes have made households reluctant to borrow to buy homes. Credit Logement and CSA say the average housing investment funded with loans represented 3.73 years of the buyer’s income in March 2013, the lowest since January
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Alan Higgins at Coutts expects another 7 to 10 percent on equities worldwide in 2013. Greg Fuzesi at JPMorgan said today’s PMI makes an ECB rate cut more likely, and expects one in June. Read the full article at Click here to receive free and immediate email alerts of the
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Heidi Moore writes: In July, the Bureau of Economic Analysis will add Hollywood royalties from TV, movies and songs and revenues from scientific R&D to GDP measurements, boosting GDP by as much as 3% from 0.4% currently. Adding in Hollywood royalties may boost US economic growth by as
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: China is the world’s fastest-growing market for credit cards, even as delinquencies have tripled in the past 4 years and profit remains elusive. Debit cards outnumber credit cards 10-to-1 in China. Rainy Yuan at Masterlink Securities said credit cards are the ultimate growth area and also the battlefield for banks in China. China’s $7
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Tao Dong at Credit Suisse said China has been a very narrowly based recovery, predominantly driven by infrastructure investment, which is also apparently slowing down. easy money made online Goldman Sachs, Royal Bank of Scotland, and JPMorgan Chase cut estimates for 2013 expansion to 7.8 percent. Qu
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Kei Katayama at Daiwa SB Investments said QE has led to a bubble in bonds, and at some point, the Fed will have to end the policy. Economists expect 10-yr rates to climb to 2.26 percent in the US and to 0.73 percent in Japan by Dec. 31 2013.
READ MORE... →Salient to Investors: Foreigners bought $292.1 million more of Indian stocks than they sold last week, the most since the period ended March 15. Net inflows in 2013 are $10.6 billion, the second-largest amount among 10 Asian markets tracked by Bloomberg, behind Japan. James Thom at Aberdeen Asset Mgmt said India