Pimco Raises Outlook for 2014 Growth Citing Fiscal Policy – Bloomberg 09-19-13

Salient to Investors: Saumil Parikh at Pimco said: Global growth will increase to 2.25 percent to 2.75 percent through September of 2014 as US and European policy won’t hamper growth as much as in the past, private sector confidence strengthens as global wealth increases, and central banks use monetary policy


India was on top in 1947 – Jim Rogers Blog 09-17-13

Salient to Investors: Jim Rogers said India was on top in 1947 but has declined relatively since – remember, we move from dictatorship to oligarchy to democracy to chaos. Read the full article at http://blogjimrogers.blogspot.com/2013/09/india-was-on-top-in-1947.html Click here to receive free and immediate email alerts of the latest forecasts.


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 09-15-13

Salient to Investors: Henry Kissinger at Kissinger Associations said Putin considers radical Islam his biggest security threat and his biggest fear in Syria is that it would lead to a radicalization of the region, but he does not want the US unilaterally to determine how the situation in the region


Google’s Boss and a Princeton Professor Agree: College Is a DinosaurGoogle’s Boss and a Princeton Professor Agree: College Is a Dinosaur – Bloomberg Businessweek 09-13-13

Salient to Investors: Google’s Eric Schmidt and Anne-Marie Slaughter at the New America Foundation said colleges and universities are indecisive, slow-moving, and vulnerable to losing their best teachers to the Internet. Schmidt said colleges have the luxury of thorough, democratic deliberation of issues because they never actually do anything, in