.Austerity Doesn’t Pay as Debt Markets Ignore Rating Cuts – Bloomberg 06-18-12

Salient to Investors: Bloomberg study of 314 upgrades, downgrades and outlook changes since 1974 shows interest rates moved in the opposite direction 47 percent of the time for Moody’s and for S&P. IMF studies show prices moved in the expected direction 45 percent of the time for developed countries and 51 percent for


Can whole economies be psychoanalyzed? – World Science 06-06-12

Study shows that West­ern economies dis­played the same man­ic be­hav­ior as psy­cho­log­ic­ally dis­turbed peo­ple in the runup to the 2008 cred­it cri­sis, which could be repeated. In the two decades to 2008, Western bankers, economists and politi­cians shared a man­ic cul­ture of de­ni­al, om­nip­o­tence and tri­umphal­ism over the col­lapse of com­mun­ism, as they es­ca­lated risky


Venezuela Overtakes Saudis to Hold World’s Biggest Oil Reserves – Bloomberg 06-13-12

BP data show that at the end of 2011, Venezuela had proven oil reserves of 296.5 billion barrels, Saudi Arabia 265.4 billion barrels, Canada 175.2 billion barrels, Russia 88.2 billion barrels, Norway 6.9 billion barrels. Read the full article at http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-13/venezuela-overtakes-saudis-for-largest-oil-reserves-bp-says-1-.html


Truckers as Leading Indicator Show Stable U.S. Economic Growth – Bloomberg 06-13-12

Rising truck shipments show economic expansion is intact. The for-hire truck-tonnage index shows 29 months of growth – the economy has never contracted without tonnage turning negative first. The FTR’s index of U.S. truck loadings increase in April from a year earlier, the highest since 2008, shows the economy is expanding. Read the


Americans See Biggest Home Equity Jump in 60 Years: Mortgages – Bloomberg 06-13-12

Salient to Investors: Home equity in the first quarter rose to the highest level since 2008 as homeowners refinance to pay down principal. Half the mortgages refinanced in the fourth quarter reduced loan size, a record.Predictions: About 23 percent of mortgage holders are underwater on their loans. Predictions: Median forecast


Let Startups Start Out Tax-Free – Bloomberg 06-10-12

Salient to Investors: Small businesses represent 99.7 percent of all private-sector employers. The average, profitable small business pays an effective tax rate of about 20 percent  An Institute for Justice study shows that one in three U.S. workers needs government permission to operate a small business, versus only one in 20 in the 1950s. 66