Why Equities Will Continue To Trend Higher – Seeking Alpha 09-26-12

Salient to Investors: Equity markets will trend higher even if economic activity continues slow for a prolonged period. Any market correction over 10% is a buying opportunity. Asset markets are critical in the current environment and markets will not crash or collapse for the foreseeable future. The banking system has been flooded with enough


C.E.O.’s and the Pay-’Em-or-Lose-’Em Myth – New York Times 09-22-12

Salient to Investors: Charles Elson and Craig Ferrere at the University of Delaware say CEOs can’t readily transfer their skills from one company to another, debunking the “pay ’em or lose ’em” defense. They say the idea that companies must constantly compare their executives’ compensation with that of similar companies is bogus. They find little


Aging Investors Will Fuel Shift to Stocks, BlackRock Says – Bloomberg 09-05-12

Salient to Investors: BlackRock said rising life expectancy is pressuring the elderly to seek higher investment returns, trumping the past wisdom of moving into fixed income which was valid when life expectancy was much lower. High-quality bonds yield almost nil because of risk-aversion, so won’t make savings last longer after retirement – e.g. German 2-year government bonds yields fell


Decline in U.S. Seen Without More Immigration: Cutting Research – Bloomberg 08-31-12

Salient to Investors: Professor Robert Gordon at Northwestern University said: The U.S.’s best 250 years are behind it as economic growth may gradually sputter out, contradicting the nearly universal view promoted by Robert Solow and others that economic growth is a continuous process that will persist forever. Future growth in GDP per capita


Fareed Zakaria GPS – CNN 08-26-12

Salient to Investors: Ruy Teixeira at the Center for American Progress said ethnic groups historically vote in clusters and this favors President Obama mightily.  The American minority population surprisingly grew by 30 percent over the last decade versus 1 percent for whites – up 3 percent alone since 2008. Read the transcript


Global Food Reserves Falling as Drought Wilts Crops – Bloomberg 08-09-12

Salient to Investors: Stockpiles of the biggest crops will decline for a third year on drought in three continents. U.S. crops are in the worst condition since 1988, heat waves are battering European crops and India’s monsoon rainfall is 20 percent below normal. Goldman Sachs, Macquarie Group and Credit Suisse say crops will