Salient to Investors:

Paresh Upadhyaya at Pioneer Investment Mgmt said January was definitely a surprise for investors. Neil Azous agreed.

Fixed-income assets worldwide posted their biggest January returns since 2008, while equity prices fell the most since 2010. Gold is rallying.

Joseph Quinlan at US Trust Bank of America said this is an unusual January and we are right on the knife’s edge where we’re coming off Fed tapering Quinlan said emerging markets have been suspect all along.

Investors Intelligence reported 62 percent of equity newsletter writers were bullish at the start of January, the most in 6 years.

Twenty Wall Street equity strategists predicted the S&P 500 will end 2014 at 1,955.

Robbert Van Batenburg at Newedge Group said we know what the Fed will do, but we do not know what the ultimate consequences are, and we do not know what is going on in China with respect to the shadow banking system.

Uri Landesman at Platinum Partners said investors are debating if this is just a minor hiccup in an incredible 5-yr bull rally, or the party is over and we will see a serious correction.

Jason Lejonvarn at Hermes Fund Managers said there is no single theme that runs across commodities in general, with quite a bit of sugar supply coming on stream and natural gas a very strong weather play.

Jeff Currie et al at Goldman Sachs said gold is vulnerable and may fall to $1,050 by year-end as the Fed tapers.

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