Boomers as Retail Clerks Shows Why Greenspan Saw Low Growth Era – Bloomberg 12-18-13

Salient to Investors: Expanding populations fueled global prosperity with both workers and consumers but global aging threatens to cause chronically weak economic growth, a more volatile international economy and the risk of a new financial crisis triggered by innovative investments dubbed “death derivatives.” Rob Arnott at Research Affiliates said our


Fed History Shows Punch Bowl Goes as Jobs Rise: Cutting Research – Bloomberg 05-23-13

Salient to Investors: Barry Knapp at Barclays predicts the Fed will maintain its current rate of asset purchases into 2014, as the labor market is again the Fed’s focus. Knapp said an improving labor market rather than accelerating inflation made the Fed end its last 3 easings – May 1983, February 1994, Feb-to-August, 2004. In