Salient to Investors:
Jim Rogers said:
- Agriculture will enjoy an extended boom,Very bullish about farmland and other agricultural products.
- Bearish on Wall Street brokers and Ivy League professors.
- The central corridor from north Texas up to the Dakotas has the highest growth rates in employment, income growth and savings in the US, and is the only region whose primary limits to growth are supply and capacity constraints.
- A global shortage of farmers could become serious since most farmers in the US, Japan and elsewhere are in their 60s or older and young people are not entering the business – more Americans are graduating with degrees in public relations than in agriculture.
- Gold is experiencing a complicated bottoming process.
- The 30-year bull market in bonds is over and likely to be followed by a bear market of similar duration.
- No bull market in any asset class goes on forever.
- The bull market in US equities is getting close to ending in a big mess, worse than 2001 and 2008-2009.
- Global central bank promiscuity virtually ensures turbulence and tough times will follow.
- Shorting shorting junk bonds as the riskiest assets will get hurt the most when the central banks’ house of cards collapses.
- Bullish on Russian stocks, especially because it is the second most hated market after Argentina.
- Bearish on fracking because rig usage is down 75 percent and pumps are down 50 percent over the last 2 years, and most oil shale well production declines very rapidly after the first year or two.
- Water is a more attractive commodity, but don’t own it as politicians will hang you in the public square. Better to transport, clean or filtrate it and be a hero in the public square.
Read the full article at–bull-market-agriculture-to-shine-while-fracking-could-flop-14984.html
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