Salient to Investors:

A Pew Research Center study found:

  • Modern parenthood is a recipe for stress
  • American fathers spend more than twice as much time doing housework as their fathers did in 1965, almost 3 times more hours on child care, and works 5 fewer hours every week.
  • Mothers spend 14 hours a week on child care, twice as much as dads, 21 hours at work versus 8 hours their mothers spent, 18 hours on weekly household chores versus 32 hours in 1965 and versus 10 hours spent by dads.
  • 16 percent of US adults agree that having a full-time working mother is a good thing. Less than half of working parents say they have a good work-life balance. One-third of parents don’t think they spend enough time with their kids.
  • 56 percent of working mothers and 50 percent of dads with jobs said juggling home and family is difficult. 40 percent of employed moms and 34 percent of employed fathers always feel rushed.
  • 73 percent of mothers and 64 percent of fathers say they’re doing a good job with their children. 78 percent of working moms and 66 percent of non-working mothers think they do a very good or excellent job of raising their kids.
  • 37 percent of working mothers believe a full-time job is an ideal situation, up from 21 percent in 2007. 50 percent would like to work part-time, 11 percent would prefer not working at all.
  • 75 percent of fathers like having full-time jobs, 15 percent would rather work part-time, and 10 percent reported would rather retire.
  • 80 percent of fathers and 78 percent of mothers rank job security as their No. 1 priority.
  • 74 percent of mothers and 69 percent of dads regard having an enjoyable job as extremely important. 30 percent of working moms and 40 percent of working dads say pay is their top concern.
  • 49 percent of parents spend more time with their kids than their parents did with them, 33 percent spend the same amount of time and 17 percent spend less.
  • 63 percent of American adults say they have plenty of free time, 44 percent of working parents agree.

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