Vanguard Takes Aim at U.K. as Fees Replace Commissions – Bloomberg 11-15-12

Salient to Investors: From January 1, 2013, UK advisers will be banned from accepting commissions from asset managers and instead charge clearly delineated fees. In 2009, the Review of Financial Studies said the cost of investing in British funds is higher than anywhere in the developed world aside from Scandinavia and Canada – and average 2.21 percent of


DeMark Fibonacci Charts Embraced by Cohen Lure Investors – Bloomberg 11-12-13

Salient to Investors: David Goel at Matrix Capital Mgmt said DeMark’s algorithms are much more predictive than any other system. Tom DeMark’s says fundamentals do matter, and markets are governed by waves that crest and fall based on Fibonacci numbers and the closely related golden mean, or golden ratio 1.618. DeMark can’t explain why his


Fidelity Says 401(k) Balances Reached Highest Level – Bloomberg 11-07-12

Salient to Investors: Fidelity Investments said average balances in employer-sponsored 401(k)accounts rose to $75,900  in Q3, the highest level since it began tracking values in 2000. ICI said americans held $3.3 trillion in 401(k) plans as of June 30. Read the full article at


Foreclosures Drawing Cash as 401K Returns Sag: Mortgages – Bloomberg 11-04-12

Salient to Investors: As the housing market recovers, neophyte investors are following the lead of private-equity firms like Blackstone, investing in cheap properties they can rent and sell when values rise enough. Lawrence Yun ar NAR said the typical small-size mom-and-pop investor has two or three properties – about 90 percent of


Almost No One Makes Money From The Stock Market Alone – Seeking Alpha 10-25-12

Salient to Investors: Dale Roberts writes: Very few middle class investors will retire due to the money generated from their investment portfolio or their investment philosophy. The stock market is mostly long periods of losing money against inflation, punctuated by two rabid bull markets that led to extreme overvaluation. Regularly, US equity