Salient to Investors:

Henry Kissinger at Kissinger Associations said Putin considers radical Islam his biggest security threat and his biggest fear in Syria is that it would lead to a radicalization of the region, but he does not want the US unilaterally to determine how the situation in the region will develop. Kissinger said the issue in Syria is not the removal of one leader but the historic conflict between Shiites and Sunnis – the immediate removal of Assad would lead to chaos.

Zbigniew Brzezinski at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Intl Studies said Russia was concerned that the region might explode and affect Russia’s position, particularly in the caucuses where Islamic resentment against Russian domination is gaining momentum. Zbig said Putin saw an opportunity to diminish America’s standing as the preeminent power in the region. Zbig said a pointless military strike would merely dramatize American involvement in the war and then escalate.

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Salient to Investors:

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